iPhone 2.2

December 16, 2008

It’s time to resurrect my blog. I know I haven’t posted for a loooong time but I should be posting more now that I’m on summer break. – James

2.2Now that the iPhone/iPod touch 2.2 software has been available for a few weeks you probably already know all of the big features. In this post I will tell you of some of the undocumented, minor tweaks and changes to the iPhone that you may or may not have noticed.



Clicker Improvements

I love the tiny clicker/microphone on the iPhone headphones but I always found it a bit slow to respond to my clicks. With iPhone 2.2, the clicker is much faster to un-pause the song I am listening to.

Calculator Changes

In the 2.0 software update a scientific calculator was added to the iPhone (as you know). The accelerometer is used to change between the basic and the scientific modes. Then, the graphical transition was slow and jittery but with 2.2, the transition is a lot smoother.

Faster Installation

There is no doubt that the thousands of applications available for the iPhone is a major draw card. This in turn makes the whole installation process vital to the overall experience. The speed of which applications were installed was greatly improved in the 2.1 update. Now with 2.2, I have noticed that the installation is even faster (in my experiences anyway).

Improved Installation Behavior

This is a very minor change but one that I am very happy came along. When installing an update to an application you already have on your phone, the iPhone switches to the home screen that the previous version of the application resides on. Nice, simple, clean.

Update All

I’m not sure where this feature went in 2.1 but I’m glad it’s back. The ‘update all’ button is now back in the application, making it easier to update all your applications at once.

Application Store

The application store has had a face lift. You might notice some small graphical changes to the different parts of the store, but more importantly you can now view all the photos associated with an application like you can on the iTunes application store. This comes in handy when you want to see more of an app before you buy it!

So there you have it, all of the minor changes (that I could find). Have you found more? Leave me a comment and I’ll be sure to add it in.