iPod Nano 4G

September 14, 2008

As you know, I originally voiced my concern over the rumored new Nano design, saying that it was hidious and against Apple’s design legacy. Well I’m retracting all of that to now say that the Nano makes perfect sense when you’re holding it in your hand.

Today I went to my local Apple store to check out the new Nanos and the new iPod touch. The Nanos look amazing, all 9 colors seeming to explode out of their display stands. Picking one up I instantly new it was a lot thinner than any other iPod (although the curved design probably help making it appear thinner). I also discovered that the new curved look made perfect sense. It’s more comfortable to hold and use, and doesn’t feel like it’s going to fall out of your hand when you use it.

The screen, although the same and the 3G Nano, looks amazing. Colors burst off the screen, everything is crisp and sharp. Browsing through music lists is much easier as you can see more of it now that the screen is in portrait. The album art looks great when a song is playing, Cover Flow is smoother, menu transitions are smoother, the accelerometer is fast and responsive, everything is fantastic! I seriously have no quams with this iPod.

Unfortunatly, you can’t please everyone, as I found out from commenter Sam:

“I would like to comment on the new iPod nano which I have recently seen. I can safely say that the price cut of the nano has clearly affected the design budget. Whilst it is all we have come to expect from Steve, it has none of the swank sexiness that makes us buy Apple products. Somewhere it just falls short. Also there have been no new feature updates apart from the accelerometer, which is really little more than a gimmic and has no real application in the nano.

The new nano falls far short of the stardnard standard (ahem, spelling Sam!) for Apple.”

Well I’m sorry to hear that Sam. I hope that you’re able to come to love the Nano over time like I have =)

I’m so glad that the Nano has returned to it’s original tall and thin design. It just makes more sense. If I didn’t already have an iPhone, and iPod touch and a 2G iPod nano, I would rush out and buy one of these babies right now!