MacWorld Keynote: iWork ’09

January 7, 2009

I’ve just finished checking out all the coverage from Phil Schiller’s keynote and I have to say, I’m satisfied. Let’s take a look.


Like with iLife, iWork has received some new features but hasn’t done anything huge. It’s hard to know whether it’s worth getting, but I’m considering it strongly.

Pages. Pages has easily become my favorite word processor. It’s simple and easy to use and I make all my friends annoyed when I show up with a fantastic, professional looking assignment complete with cover sheet and all.

  • Full screen mode. As an easily distracted, I can appreciate this new distraction free feature in Pages. Something tells me I will be using it a lot.
  • Outline mode. Apple are called it ‘Dynamic Outline’ but it looks like their answer to what Microsoft Office:Mac has to offer in it’s Notebook mode. I liked this feature in Office:Mac and am glad that I will see it in iWork.
  • More templates. Finally! I never thought that there were enough of these in iWork ’08 and there were many template types that Pages never offered which, as a student, I could have made use of. There are over 40 new templates in Pages ’09
  • Support for MathType and Endnote. I’ll be honest, I’m sure this feature is useful to someone but it isn’t to me. Look it up yourself I have no idea what it is. kthx

Keynote. I got so bored of the hell boring look and feel of powerpoint presentations. When I switched to Keynote, I was over the moon with how fresh and new my presentations looked! The new Keynote just makes this even better.

  • Slide transitions. Yeah sounds boring I know but just wait until you see it. Imagine dynamic slide transitions, where objects change location, scale, opacity, and rotation automatically. This gives the effect of looking as if you haven’t even changed slide. Ok, it’s hard to explain. Head over to to have a look.
  • Brand new themes, text and object transitions, 3D charts and transitions. Explain themselves don’t they?
  • iPhone App. Ever wanted a keynote presenter application or one of those wireless remotes that cost $150? You don’t need one if you have an iPhone! Apple are introducing a new iPhone app that does all of this for you!

Numbers has humanized chart and graphing applications. If you are scared of Microsoft Excel (as everyone is) then Numbers is you answer. I found this so easy to use the minute I gave it a go.

  • More advanced. I didn’t know how to explain it! Simply put, Apple is trying to give professionals a reason to use Numbers. With the addition of formulas, formula list view, advanced charts and table categories, Apple hope to bring Numbers to a stage where it can compete with Excel. I am happy to say that it looks like this hasn’t impacted it’s ease of use. The new features don’t get in the way of the rest of the application, allowing me to make… super interesting tables without accidentally doing algebra.
  • Themes. Yep, new themes. What?

Love or loath the new iWork? Leave a comment!